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This "free sharing" 说:
2016年5月02日 23:14

This "free sharing" of information seems too good to be true. Like communism.

les interprètes vio 说:
2016年5月02日 20:09

les interprètes violeurs de sépulturearcadius, comme vous y allez ! Le Phasme bouge encore les ailes, il n’est pas prêt pour le linceul, il a juste besoin d’une petite migration au delà du 20ème parallèle.

I could read a book 说:
2016年5月02日 18:48

I could read a book about this without finding such real-world approaches!

Nice post. I dismiss 说:
2016年5月02日 17:54

Nice post. I dismiss all the end of the world doomsayers, whilst still, like you, feeling a little, niggling sense of, you know, what if? But you know what really irritates me? The fact that, one day, somebody will be right. Simply because, the world has got to end one day, I suppose. Hopefully not in our, or our kids’ lifetimes though.

Thank you, Tom. Unfo 说:
2016年5月02日 16:33

Thank you, Tom. Unfortunately, we left the workflows way, but I’ll bookmark that thread for future .FTR and things around were implemented by colleague of mine, I’m just an audience and he’s not writing anything.

I'm really into it, 说:
2016年5月02日 15:21

I'm really into it, thanks for this great stuff!

I told my kids we'd 说:
2016年5月02日 14:41

I told my kids we'd play after I found what I needed. Damnit.

This is a neat summa 说:
2016年5月02日 11:56

This is a neat summary. Thanks for sharing!

Useat ajattelevat si 说:
2016年5月02日 03:43

Useat ajattelevat sitruunahapon E330 olevan vaaratonta, mutta täytyy sen kohdalla sanoa, ettei kyse todellakaan ole luonnon sitruunahaposta, vaan synteettisestä vastaavasta.

Ja Hanna-Maria ottaa 说:
2016年5月02日 02:08

Ja Hanna-Maria ottaa mitalin...ööö yhdistetyssä? Entä Tero? Onhan hän juossut maratonin, joten kaipa 50 kilsaa vapaalla sujuu. Kallella on mäkihommat hanskassa, joten suurmäestä tulee Kallen mitsku. Laura taas... no jossain luisteluhiihdossa varmaan. Hei pliis.

I am a business stud 说:
2016年5月02日 01:49

I am a business student, and the past year I have been thinking more and more about ditching it and starting a farm. Not really fashion school, but gardening and teaching children about growing vegetables is my passion. But it is scary just thinking about not getting a degree, selling our home and buying a farm. So I know how you feel at the moment. I was raised knowing I would go to school, get a degree, and get a job.

Really trustworthy b 说:
2016年5月01日 21:15

Really trustworthy blog. Please keep daputing with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading

I read your posting 说:
2016年5月01日 13:46

I read your posting and was jealous

Is that really all t 说:
2016年5月01日 11:16

Is that really all there is to it because that'd be flabbergasting.

You get a lot of res 说:
2016年5月01日 09:24

You get a lot of respect from me for writing these helpful articles.

I think you've just 说:
2016年5月01日 07:38

I think you've just captured the answer perfectly

My hat is off to you 说:
2016年5月01日 04:05

My hat is off to your astute command over this topic-bravo!

"Secondo me, ha 说:
2016年5月01日 03:57

"Secondo me, ha senso solo se si vuole rincoglionire il paese per rendere più facile fregarlo."C'è un po' di complottismo in queste parole. ^_^Temo che sia molto peggio: nessun progetto, nessuna volontà, niente che preveda un minimo di capacità realizzativa, sono solo cialtroneria, superficialità e ignoranza.

This is just the per 说:
2016年5月01日 03:21

This is just the perfect answer for all of us

Joan Thank you for s 说:
2016年5月01日 02:00

Joan Thank you for such thought-provoking words. I so see myself in your posting! My struggle is with the expectations I have put on myself in caring for a parent with dementia. I guess part of me still tries to meet the unstated expectations from years ago when my mom was a different person. I like your idea of listing the expectations and symbolically removing them from today. Thanks again for prompting me to think in a different way. Thanks also for the beautiful photos that originally drew me to your newsletter, the same kind of photos that I enjoy taking.