This one really got me thinking. I think too often we see the portraits others paint online and we think it’s all real when it is a carefully constructed message. I think we need to be careful of that.On the other hand, I think if we are willing to be totally honest in our writing, that people who read our work can sometimes know us better because of the screen because all they have to go off of are our words, thoughts, and ideas. There aren’t all of the stereotypes that we may encounter in person.I really enjoyed this
jadi ngiri….. mau dong telkomsel flashnya…. xixixixixixi…. trnyata BB pake OS ya? kirain kayak hape pd umumnya… jd ngebayangin, lucu kali ya kalo BB pake windows 98…. wkwkwkwkwk…
arkadaşlar öncelikle herkese gecmiş olsun ben bu hastalıga 1 aydır yakalandım ama çok zor benim yaşım 36 bir de ben de ankilozyon sıpondilit var yani [ romatizma ) as bu romatizmanın da etkisi var benim normaldede kaburgalarım da ve sırtım da agrı vardı bir panik atak oldugumu söyledi doktor yani benim işim daha zor ama şuna inanıyorum ki inşallah atlatacagım en azın dan panik atakı aynı astalıgı taşıyan arkadaşlarla yazışmak istiyorum burdan mesene mi vere bilirmiyim bilmmem
Hi PeggyThere are lots of us in the early stages of this journey but I’m sure we’ll all get to where we want to be eventually.I’ve added you to my blogroll so I’ll drop over to see you every so often.
Hei!Og takk for sist:) VAr så lenge siden jeg hadde sett/hørt noe fra deg, så jeg måtte inn å titte. Trist å lese om storebroren din, det er tøft å miste sine nærmeste. Den frangiflutti'en var bare sååå vakker, og kledde deg godt. Har lyst på en sånn en, men får ikke tid før jul, i alle fall... Ønsker deg ei fin adventstid - det blir koselig å tenne mange lys, og mange fine tanker kan bli til da:) Klem fra meg!
Most of these traits scare the pants off me because I was raised to believe that creative, artistic, esoteric pursuits were a waste of time–and that hard work and ambition were the keys to life. So, allowing myself to be creative (break the rules, collaborate, challenge the status quo, and make mistakes) causes me to be very uncomfortable. I’m learning to accept both sides of myself and pushing myself out of my comfort zones in order to grow! Many thanks to Brave Girls Club for holding my hand and encouraging me!
Schön das ich nicht allein bin :D Ich mag Valentiestage auch nicht. Das ist für mich einfach nur ein kommerz feiertag :) am ende bin ich dann aber doch wieder eingelullt von den süßen sachen, die es zu kaufen gibt und gebe nach :D Ich bin schrecklich, ich weiß. Aber was kann ich dafür wenn die ganzen Läden soo gute Marketing Leute besitzen :D
oh my, happy b-day: go out and celebrate, wild Veruschka & Avedon style ;) it's a good timing for telling you (again) that your work here is remarkable and appreciated. Mazel Toff!
, ‘Just look in the eyes and you will find my eyes again.’ it must be taken into account that he could have been talking metaphorically. It might be in the eyes or just a vibe or an intuitive feeling that the type of person he is referring to is jacked into the whole. One thing is for certain; if you are receptive those eyes will appear as long as there is a need for an outward manifestation of that which is your inherent perfection.
I’ve said it before, and i’m sure i’ll say it again: Shadowrun . Personally, I can’t wait until December 24th to see if Ryumyo turns up a year late.VN:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)
å jo har sett det før - men blir ikke mindre fint for det - uttrolig god ide er det ( her er det noen som bruker tilogmed jern terasse gjerder som det samme - hva som helst kan man bruke nesten!!!
Assalamu ‘alaikumSaya mau pesan majalah Pengusaha Muslim Edisi 24, 25, 28, 29, 31 (fisik) dan juga DVD Seminar Nasional “Masih adakah riba di Bank Syariah”. Dikirim ke Bandung.Berapa yang harus saya transfer + ongkirnya?Mohon informasinya
2016年6月03日 14:23
This one really got me thinking. I think too often we see the portraits others paint online and we think it’s all real when it is a carefully constructed message. I think we need to be careful of that.On the other hand, I think if we are willing to be totally honest in our writing, that people who read our work can sometimes know us better because of the screen because all they have to go off of are our words, thoughts, and ideas. There aren’t all of the stereotypes that we may encounter in person.I really enjoyed this
2016年6月03日 13:55
Back in school, I'm doing so much learning.
2016年6月03日 13:31
jadi ngiri….. mau dong telkomsel flashnya…. xixixixixixi…. trnyata BB pake OS ya? kirain kayak hape pd umumnya… jd ngebayangin, lucu kali ya kalo BB pake windows 98…. wkwkwkwkwk…
2016年6月03日 13:15
You've got to be kidding me-it's so transparently clear now!
2016年6月03日 12:11
arkadaşlar öncelikle herkese gecmiş olsun ben bu hastalıga 1 aydır yakalandım ama çok zor benim yaşım 36 bir de ben de ankilozyon sıpondilit var yani [ romatizma ) as bu romatizmanın da etkisi var benim normaldede kaburgalarım da ve sırtım da agrı vardı bir panik atak oldugumu söyledi doktor yani benim işim daha zor ama şuna inanıyorum ki inşallah atlatacagım en azın dan panik atakı aynı astalıgı taşıyan arkadaşlarla yazışmak istiyorum burdan mesene mi vere bilirmiyim bilmmem
2016年6月03日 11:14
Hi PeggyThere are lots of us in the early stages of this journey but I’m sure we’ll all get to where we want to be eventually.I’ve added you to my blogroll so I’ll drop over to see you every so often.
2016年6月02日 18:11
Hei!Og takk for sist:) VAr så lenge siden jeg hadde sett/hørt noe fra deg, så jeg måtte inn å titte. Trist å lese om storebroren din, det er tøft å miste sine nærmeste. Den frangiflutti'en var bare sååå vakker, og kledde deg godt. Har lyst på en sånn en, men får ikke tid før jul, i alle fall... Ønsker deg ei fin adventstid - det blir koselig å tenne mange lys, og mange fine tanker kan bli til da:) Klem fra meg!
2016年6月02日 06:22
Una vivienda, un voto.En realidad, cuando se hace una votación y es muy justa se ha de acudir incluso a las proporciones de las viviendas.Imaginemos un bloque de 10 viviendas y 5 votan por presi 1 y 5 votan por presi 2.¿Quién serÃa el presidente?Se deberÃan computar las células de escrituras y comprobar cuántos metros tiene cada vivienda y sumar las de cada voto.Insisto un piso un voto.Si tienes 5 pisos tienes 5 votos.
2016年6月02日 03:57
Most of these traits scare the pants off me because I was raised to believe that creative, artistic, esoteric pursuits were a waste of time–and that hard work and ambition were the keys to life. So, allowing myself to be creative (break the rules, collaborate, challenge the status quo, and make mistakes) causes me to be very uncomfortable. I’m learning to accept both sides of myself and pushing myself out of my comfort zones in order to grow! Many thanks to Brave Girls Club for holding my hand and encouraging me!
2016年6月02日 03:49
Schön das ich nicht allein bin :D Ich mag Valentiestage auch nicht. Das ist für mich einfach nur ein kommerz feiertag :) am ende bin ich dann aber doch wieder eingelullt von den süßen sachen, die es zu kaufen gibt und gebe nach :D Ich bin schrecklich, ich weiß. Aber was kann ich dafür wenn die ganzen Läden soo gute Marketing Leute besitzen :D
2016年6月02日 00:30
oh my, happy b-day: go out and celebrate, wild Veruschka & Avedon style ;) it's a good timing for telling you (again) that your work here is remarkable and appreciated. Mazel Toff!
2016年6月01日 22:27
, ‘Just look in the eyes and you will find my eyes again.’ it must be taken into account that he could have been talking metaphorically. It might be in the eyes or just a vibe or an intuitive feeling that the type of person he is referring to is jacked into the whole. One thing is for certain; if you are receptive those eyes will appear as long as there is a need for an outward manifestation of that which is your inherent perfection.
2016年6月01日 21:01
That kind of thinking shows you're on top of your game
2016年6月01日 20:12
I’ve said it before, and i’m sure i’ll say it again: Shadowrun . Personally, I can’t wait until December 24th to see if Ryumyo turns up a year late.VN:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)
2016年6月01日 20:04
That's a sensible answer to a challenging question
2016年6月01日 14:43
I searched a bunch of sites and this was the best.
2016年6月01日 14:05
Le 5 avril 2010Avec nos 2 enfants, nous avons passé le week end de Paques dans un gite magnifique, confortable et très coquet qui se situe à Saint Martin sur Oust dans le Morbihan.Le jardin etait très joli, calme et reposant tout ce qu’il faut pour se ressourcer : nous n’avons qu’un souhait : D’y revenir !
2016年6月01日 13:52
å jo har sett det før - men blir ikke mindre fint for det - uttrolig god ide er det ( her er det noen som bruker tilogmed jern terasse gjerder som det samme - hva som helst kan man bruke nesten!!!
2016年6月01日 12:51
I never thought I would find such an everyday topic so enthralling!
2016年6月01日 12:26
Assalamu ‘alaikumSaya mau pesan majalah Pengusaha Muslim Edisi 24, 25, 28, 29, 31 (fisik) dan juga DVD Seminar Nasional “Masih adakah riba di Bank Syariah”. Dikirim ke Bandung.Berapa yang harus saya transfer + ongkirnya?Mohon informasinya