saya juga asli Klaten, tapi saya gak pernah ngaku2 orang Solo atau Jogja karena memang lokasi Klaten tepat ada diantara kedua kota tersebut, karena ada istilah tersendiri bagi orang2 klaten yang ngaku2 seperti itu dengan istilah "Solo kemeringet" atau Jogja kemeringet".....wkwkwkwkbadwordfilter("5020769063407363810");
I am also a kiwi that loves her coffee, having been to many ‘coffee shops’ in Amsterdam. The coffee in the pic looks dam fine to me, and a lot creamer then the ‘coffee’ I got in Amsterdam.Apple is very obvious once it is pointed out, would not have seen otherwise….
WTF? There’s so many people that the gov can help back home but they have to go all the way to UK to help this girl….no…woman.She looks pretty happy in those people. I’m sure there are other ways for her to earn a living without being a prostitute…like a decent job. She got brains, she did get into Oxford, right? Sigh.
What is the best ab worke out machine?I want to tone up my abs and I’m looking to buy any ab machine but I don’t know which or what one will give me the best results and the fastest.I also want something that’s fun and/or easy to do.
2016年6月18日 14:44
You write so honestly about this. Thanks for sharing!
2016年6月18日 13:47
saya juga asli Klaten, tapi saya gak pernah ngaku2 orang Solo atau Jogja karena memang lokasi Klaten tepat ada diantara kedua kota tersebut, karena ada istilah tersendiri bagi orang2 klaten yang ngaku2 seperti itu dengan istilah "Solo kemeringet" atau Jogja kemeringet".....wkwkwkwkbadwordfilter("5020769063407363810");
2016年6月18日 12:21
I am also a kiwi that loves her coffee, having been to many ‘coffee shops’ in Amsterdam. The coffee in the pic looks dam fine to me, and a lot creamer then the ‘coffee’ I got in Amsterdam.Apple is very obvious once it is pointed out, would not have seen otherwise….
2016年6月18日 11:49
What's it take to become a sublime expounder of prose like yourself?
2016年6月18日 11:13
No sé què dir. Per més nova que sigui la nevera, i blanca, i neta,,, I si, per dir alguna cosa, se’n va la llum? Què en farem d’aquest t’estimo congelat? Ei, que em sembla perfecte guardar ben gaurdades les coses importants i els recors, però tot té data de caducitat, diuen.
2016年6月18日 10:54
That's a cunning answer to a challenging question
2016年6月18日 08:07
That's an astute answer to a tricky question
2016年6月18日 07:52
You really found a way to make this whole process easier.
2016年6月18日 04:02
2016年6月18日 02:52
That's 2 clever by half and 2x2 clever 4 me. Thanks!
2016年6月18日 01:33
2016年6月18日 00:45
Most help articles on the web are inaccurate or incoherent. Not this!
2016年6月17日 23:17
2016年6月17日 21:34
Boy that really helps me the heck out.
2016年6月17日 20:42
2016年6月17日 16:59
Ya learn something new everyday. It's true I guess!
2016年6月17日 16:17
Chú Tuấn Æ¡i, cháu là Tôm – Äà o Khánh Huy (FB của mẹ cháu là Nhà Tôm), cháu xin ủng há»™ 100 nghìn/ 1 tháng từ tháng 8 ạ. Cháu sẽ chuyển qua TK cho chú 2 tháng má»™t lần.Chúc chú sức khá»e và chÆ°Æ¡ng trình ngà y cà ng phát triển
2016年6月17日 15:11
WTF? There’s so many people that the gov can help back home but they have to go all the way to UK to help this girl….no…woman.She looks pretty happy in those people. I’m sure there are other ways for her to earn a living without being a prostitute…like a decent job. She got brains, she did get into Oxford, right? Sigh.
2016年6月17日 14:10
What is the best ab worke out machine?I want to tone up my abs and I’m looking to buy any ab machine but I don’t know which or what one will give me the best results and the fastest.I also want something that’s fun and/or easy to do.
2016年6月17日 12:54
I missed part of live-stream, just watched four last songs, and cried like a baby. But thanks to you I could watch all set. Thanks again