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Polacy wojujÄ… w Afg 说:
2016年8月11日 23:56

Polacy wojują w Afganistanie a takie Czechy i Estonia może bez wiz podróżować Olać USA i wprowadzić zaostrzenie dla nich,ogłupiają zamieszkałych w USA Polaków na czas kampanii.

Penseur:Sie haben na 说:
2016年8月11日 21:25

Penseur:Sie haben natürlich Recht, das war ein Schreibfehler von mir. Richtig hätte mein Satz lauten müssen:"Dass die Bewilligung von Opferentschädigungen davon abhängig sein soll, ob die Täter nicht-deutscher oder deutscher Herkunft sind, lese ich hier zum ersten Mal; es erscheint mir, offen gesagt, nicht besonders plausibel."Auf einen Beleg für die wenig glaubliche Behauptung bin ich weiterhin neugierig.Viele GrüßeMorgenländer

Mensalão dos Jabaze 说:
2016年8月11日 19:23

Mensalão dos Jabazeiros disse:O negócio no nosso Amapá está muito avacalhado.Escutar rádio pela manhã,não dá,ninguém aguenta.Agora a tarde também.Tem o programa do Dalua e tem vejam só programa dos presidente de associações de bairro,tudo para roubar dinheiro público e bajular o Waldez(Fofinho) e o Roberto(Cassado 5 vezes).Vendedores de rádio no Amapá estão Fu..

Hemorrhoids suck, I 说:
2016年8月11日 19:20

Hemorrhoids suck, I really need to get rid fo them but there’s nothing i’ve found that works. I spent ages yesterday looking but nothing is any good.

“The previous 说:
2016年8月11日 18:59

“The previous administration” and “inherited” will be mentioned at least 6 times each.“We are at war” will only be heard once.Pelosi will pop up at least 30 times, before anyone else.

OMG! Totally Team De 说:
2016年8月11日 18:56

OMG! Totally Team Derek! I mean, Lucas is hot and everything, but I think he cares a little more about his pack. And then there’s the problem with his grandma. But Derek totally loves Kylie, and he isn’t afraid to tell her that. Plus, his supercharged emotions definitely show that he loves her. C.C., you should totally have them be together. It just seems fitting, because Derek hasn’t done anything to hurt Kylie, and she keeps thinking about him while she’s “dating” Lucas.

My pleasure!!! Chian 说:
2016年8月11日 18:44

My pleasure!!! Chiang Mai is really beautiful, you should definitely schedule a visit! How funny that we both found love overseas. I sincerely believe that when you’re doing what you love and you’re happy on your own… BAM! In walks your partner in crime. Thanks for sharing!

I would say the char 说:
2016年8月11日 17:56

I would say the chart better reflects the egos of the Apple fanboys. Beside that yes, Apple is highly overvalued. When Google finally realizes that repeating the early years of the PC are bad for business then things will really get interesting.

IMHO, you need a ful 说:
2016年8月11日 17:31

IMHO, you need a full beard or none. Too much neck on display. Suit or acadamic type jacket. Look authorish. Lighting not great/part of your neck looks to light, part too dark.To judge from your earlier pictures, you're handsome and sanguine in type, but somehow this picture isn't catching it, and I don't think it's just a question of being 10 years on. Try again--get some professional advice. Look your best--you're in the public eye.

Sono d'accordo, 说:
2016年8月11日 16:02

Sono d'accordo, è un peccato che non ci sia stato un minimo di contraddittorio, comunque è stata una bellissima serata anche pre e post conferenza. ivabellini, ci saranno sicuramente altre occasioni, spero che troverai il coraggio di fare le tue sparate dal vivo.

I only have a moment 说:
2016年8月11日 12:08

I only have a moment now, but RE: "On Monday all the talk in the news was of an Israeli Rabbi who had called on G-d to strike down Abbas,.... and the rest of his gang" I hadn't known about the Rabbi until reading it here! but How could he commit such a glaring error? Rabbis teach about sins of omission- yes?.And yet, HE DIDN'T HE MENTION OBAMA and the rest of HIS gang WHILE HE WAS AT IT! :-oO Well maybe he just ran out of time, like I have now.

Exactly. Why are th 说:
2016年8月11日 09:28

Exactly. Why are they not using the wealth of Alberta to invest in Alberta's future: Students. These are the people who will lead this province into the future. Are they (and the future) not worth the investment? I think the PSE system is far more important than how much money is in consumer hands.

Ja z zasady unikam w 说:
2016年8月11日 07:14

Ja z zasady unikam wszelkich sieciówek czuję się tam jak persona non grata. W sumie wszędzie tam gdzie może coś zapiszczeć to mam wrażenie, że nie jestem mile widziana.

How could any of thi 说:
2016年8月11日 06:13

How could any of this be better stated? It couldn't.

Thanks guys, I just 说:
2016年8月11日 05:32

Thanks guys, I just about lost it looking for this.

We’ve started , 说:
2016年8月11日 01:37

We’ve started , dedicated to usage of mice and any other pointing devices in Windows, OS X, Linux and, of course, games. People who contribute to the forum will get early access to the beta version of SmoothMouse for OS X.

With the bases loade 说:
2016年8月11日 01:24

With the bases loaded you struck us out with that answer!

iPHONiX dit :je 说:
2016年8月11日 00:58

iPHONiX dit :je crois qu’il l’active pas car on ne peut pas encore créer de custom avec pwnage tool pour le 4S. Donc pour le moment aucune solution.

If I were a Teenage 说:
2016年8月11日 00:19

If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I'd say "Kowabunga, dude!"

Have your self a nic 说:
2016年8月11日 00:06

Have your self a nice rant there homie? You repeated yourself on every sentence except the first. Also you are a HUGE hypocrite. I’d have to say that your dumb already, so yeah please save your last brain cell: quit all drugs, even your “O of dro”. Do the world a favor and disconnect your Internet. Save your money and leave us alone